Jean Rasch for Monterey City Council District 3! My Campaign
I am running on my proven record of accomplishments benefiting District 3 and the City of Monterey. I have worked diligently for residents for the past 12 years, while working full time running my legal practice in Monterey and Carmel. I am ready to serve as an effective Council member on Day 1. Now retired, I can devote the time necessary to do this important and time-consuming job well. I believe in independent thinking so that the best solutions to our problems can emerge. As a trained attorney, I will consider all sides and consider feedback from the constituents I represent and the City I serve.
CERT, Volunteer Training completed May 2024Monterey Vista Neighborhood Association, Board of Directors, 2012-current; Vice President, 2019-2021; President,, 2018-present; founding chair, 2018-2021Monterey Peninsula College, Bond Oversight Committee, 2024-presentCity of Monterey, Neighborhood & Community Improvement Program Committee, Alternate 2015-2017, Representative 2018-2023, Vice Chair 2021-2023Visiting Nurses Association, Volunteer RN Vaccinator for Covid-19 Response, 2021City of Monterey, Measure S Committee, 2018 Carmel Foundation, Board of Directors, 2008-2017; Chair, 2015-2017Monterey County Women Lawyers Association, Treasurer, 2007- 2017
CERT, Volunteer Training completed May 2024Monterey Vista Neighborhood Association, Board of Directors, 2012-current; Vice President, 2019-2021; President,, 2018-present; founding chair, 2018-2021Monterey Peninsula College, Bond Oversight Committee, 2024-presentCity of Monterey, Neighborhood & Community Improvement Program Committee, Alternate 2015-2017, Representative 2018-2023, Vice Chair 2021-2023Visiting Nurses Association, Volunteer RN Vaccinator for Covid-19 Response, 2021City of Monterey, Measure S Committee, 2018 Carmel Foundation, Board of Directors, 2008-2017; Chair, 2015-2017Monterey County Women Lawyers Association, Treasurer, 2007- 2017
"Jean knows our district, serving as our (Monterey Vista) neighborhood association president, NCIP representative and member of the Undergrounding Committee. She fought to prevent wireless towers next to our homes. She will represent us well on the City Council." Clyde Roberson, Former Mayor, City of Monterey
"Mayor Clyde" Roberson (with Jean and first dog, Gracie) founded the Neighborhood and Community Improvement Program ("NCIP") in 1985 to benefit neighborhoods impacted by increasing tourism. Thank you, Clyde! Clyde endorses Jean!
NCIP is under assault. I will do everything in my power to defeat attempts to remove control from neighborhoods, to remove the voice of neighborhhood associations from the choice of NCIP representatives, or to decrease the dollars received from the Transist Occupancy Tax. Period. Full stop. End of story. NCIP is the truest expression of the power of people to participate in their governance. NCIP reps work collaboratively to reach community goals as prioritized by 16 neighborhoods. The top projects voted on in 2024 include dead fuel reductions from public land ($1m), repair of firestation #11 ($1.25m) and repair of firestation #12 ($1.25m). How could the City do better?
See my comments to City Council June 4, 2024 at 0:41:45 on the mayor's views of NCIP:

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District 3 consists of most of Monterey Vista neighborhood and all of Skyline neighborhood. We need an independent thinker who responds to District 3 voices. Elect Jean Rasch for this important job!
Residents are my highest priority
Representing the views of the residents of my district is my top priority. Monterey Vista and Skyline residents, when you elect me to serve District 3 on November 5th, my highest priority will be working for your immediate and long-term safety.
You and your family are my highest priority. Let me introduce you to my family: top left, with Bill in our back yard with son Ancil and granddaughter Aurora from Maui; middle left, with daughter Alison and SIL Colin from Auburn, in Maui two days before Lahaina burned; at the bottom, DIL Lauren and daughter Meehan from LA, with grandchildren Millie and Boston horsing around on Sandy, the beloved cement whale at PG Museum of Natural History.
Juris Doctorate, Santa Clara University Nurse Midwifery Certificate, University of California San Francisco Bachelor of Science in Nursing, St. Louis University Bachelor of Arts, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York
Professional Experience
Established Jean Rasch, Attorney at Law, 2006-2023 (Monterey/Carmel); now retired from private practice
Lawyer as employee, 2001-2005, with emphasis on Special Needs planning for those with disabilities and issues of aging
Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) in private practice, 1983-2001; founding midwife of Midwifery Service at Stanford, 1993
Registered Nurse (RN) in Labor & Delivery, Stanford Hospital, 1979-1983
Rental Property Owner and Manager, 2017-present
Licenses (in CA)Attorney RN, CNM, Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Prescriber Notary Public
Jean's far!
SAFETY IS ESSENTIAL!100' SETBACKS FROM SMALL CELL TOWERS Monterey Vista residents demand protections.
It took 7 years for the City to update our Small Cell Ordinance after Verizon/Extenent applied to put 13 towers in residential Monterey Vista in 2017. The MVNA board, led by Susan Nine, Jeannie Ferrara, and Jean Rasch, worked intensely hard. We didn't get everything we wanted, but I was proud to work ceaselessly, as MVNA president, with Council member Alan Haffa to include 100' setbacks from R-1 homes in the final 2023 Ordinance. Thank you, Alan!Safety is essential!AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE READERS Most residents want police to have this tool, with safeguards.
Residents were loud and clear they want criminals apprehended. Yet many wanted safeguards on the use of data and protections from overreaching policies. Working with Chief Hober and the City Council, I suggested two amendments that were incorporated by Council: 1) that yearly audits include the City Attorney, and 2) that changes to the ALRPs policy come through Council rather than amended only through our Police Department. The policy as amended passed 3-2 at the April 2, 2024, City Council meeting.SAFETY IS ESSENTIAL!FUEL REDUCTION IN PARKS Our residents want fuel reduction in parks and open space.
Residents want protections from the wildfires that are increasing and intensifying with climate change. The number one Neighborhood and Community Improvement Program (NCIP) priority for Monterey Vista and Skyline neighborhoods for years has been the removal of dead trees and downed fuel. NCIP consistently ranks fuel reduction projects #1, year after year. I am proud to have served on NCIP from Monterey Vista from 2015-2023, insuring a safer Monterey.SAFETY IS ESSENTIAL!AN UNDERGROUNDING PLAN FOR UNSAFE WIRES Monterey Vista residents want an affordable approach to undergrounding utility wires. Jean is the founding chair of, a committee of Monterey residents studying, since 2018, the science of undergrounding and energy resiliency and the best ways to underground the remainder of Monterey. Monterey Undergrounding is deeply committed to the completion of the PG&E Rule 20A active project to underground N. Fremont Street.
Residents have expressed support and interest in undergrounding utility wires. The reasons to underground are potentially lifesaving and include: 1. the risk of fires from downed utility lines,2. the lengthy energy outages and resultant business losses,3. personal costs and disruption incurred around utility outages,4. blocked emergency routes from downed poles and lines during weather or fire related emergencies, and5. beautification of our lovely city. So far, we have $250,000 in NCIP funds for undergrounding. We have a start!The small cell tower at Wave St.Downed trees along Dry Creek areaThis picture is of Monroe Street. Monroe Street is scheduled to be rebuilt in 2024. Poles and lines will continue above ground. What a missed opportunity to coordinate and underground them! What poor planning! We can do so much better!
Read in the Monterey County Weekly about the three candidates "running as a slate" created by the City of Monterey mayor for elections this fall:
Issue of May 9, 2024 Monterey County Weekly
See Jean's comments at 0:29:00 on this "slate" of candidates created by the mayor:

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And this link to the Weekly's second reference to "the slate." 8-26-2024
Click Here
More of Jean's Accomplishments!
Pickleball at Via Paraiso Park
Years of dissent in the neighborhood over pickleball noise and sharing of the tennis courts was resolved in 2022 through negotiations led by Jean Rasch as President of MVNA with the help of residents, City Manager Hans Uslar, Parks and Rec Director Karen Larson, Park Manager Shannon Leon, and the Mandell Gisnet Center for Conflict Management.
We CAN share! Jean actively works toward win-win solutions that better our City.
Support for our Firefighters
Jean Rasch, as President of MVNA, was the first neighborhood president to submit a letter of support from the board to the Airport District for the Monterey Fire Department (MFD) to retain the Airport contract. She shared the letter with other neighborhoods as an onslaught of neighborhood support ensued. Our firefighters retained their contract, which increased our safety through the depth of their mutual aid agreements, their Aircraft Rescue and ocean rescue/fireboat training, and their wealth of experience.
Jean supports our first responders!
Synthetic Turf????????
Jean Rasch spoke before the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Neighborhood and Community Improvement Program committee in 2024 about the alarming concerns over PFAS "forever chemicals" released from many brands of synthetic turf. Protecting our water supply and groundwater basins for future generations is an essential commitment we all must make as we guide our City. First, do no harm.
Jean actively voices her concerns for our safety.
Issues to Follow:
SURF!BUSElectric light rail transit to the Bay Area needs to replace auto dependence. Rather than the SURF!Busway, let's 1) schedule e-buses every 15 minutes around the clock on the Line 20 and Transit 5 Bus Routes between Salinas and Monterey/Carmel, 2) institute "Bus on Shoulder " lane practice where buses use the right shoulder lane at high commute times, and 3) see if we can get people out of their cars with frequent and dependable bus service. Tearing up the dunes at a cost of $91m for 4-6 miles isn't what the public supports. "Bus on Shoulder" is the high commute answer at much less cost; let's spend the savings on more frequent bus connections so that bus travel is a viable option for us all. Don't let people tell you "Bus on Shoulder" can't be done the length of 4 miles; it can be done. Save the railroad tracks for future light rail. Don't pave the tracks under the rational that the railroad easement still remains. NO to paving over the railroad easement! Not now, not ever.
FOR THE FUTURE, FOR NOW! It is imperative to continue to address climate change. We need to support production of EVs and installation of more EV charging stations. The required percentage of EV charging stations needs to increase to at least 75% when a parking lot is rebuilt, so that we are prepared for the demand when 2032 comes along. Deep discussions around planning for sea rise must continue, and the questions of hardening, adaptation, or planned retreat need to be made
Young Families
As a nurse-midwife, I delivered (really, I helped the moms deliver) more than a 1,000 babies. I know exactly what young families want. They want safe and responsive health care providers, quality child care, good school districts, and a way to home ownership. With a C/Section rate of 3.6%, families were safe with me. You still are. My first home was purchased only through the assistance of a first time homebuyer program that required only 5% down through the city government. Let's keep trying to assist young people so they can stay and thrive.
"Comprising Monterey Vista and Skyline Forest neighborhoods, this is an open seat as Alan Haffa is not seeking another term. Jean Rasch says she is the best prepared candidate and we don’t disagree: She comes with reams of experience as a volunteer in the city, especially in the Neighborhood and Community Improvement Program, on which she served for nine years. She was a strong advocate to help get Measure S passed, funding citywide infrastructure needs, she helped convene MontereyUndergrounding to reduce wildfire risks in the wildland urban interface. Her initiatives for economic development are thoughtful and detailed, suggesting expansion of the hubs of education, research, health care and technology that exist at Ryan Ranch. She supports the rental registry. She also representsa more traditional Monterey City Council predisposition to neighborhood needs, and we hope she continues to keep an open mind about other demands on the city."
Jean supports:
1. Fair prices for renters and fair returns on investments for owners.
2. Habitable homes and strong City oversight of slum landlords.
3 A study of the results of the rental registry. Who owns our housing supply?
4. A deep dive on what Salinas is learning about their rent control efforts.
5. Study of the long term effects of rent small cities and large.
6. Rental assistance program, with families with children at the top.
7. Hiring experts in community planning who track government funding programs for young, first time, and low income buyers and who aggressively inform residents of such.
8. City of Monterey funded housing developments that can prioritize Monterey public employees.
9. Mixed use building; commercial below, homes above.
10. Continued conversion of office space to living space such as 2300 Garden Road.
Hi Jean,The PWN board voted unanimously to endorse you!Best of luck with the campaign!Melodie ChrislockManaging Director of Public Water Now
I am very proud to be endorsed by the Monterey Bay Action Committee- Candidates, consisting of leading organizations and individuals from the hospitality and business sectors of the City and County of Monterey. The city Transient Occupancy Tax on hotels alone yields about 30-36 million dollars a year to the City of Monterey; 16% of those dollars fund the Neighborhhood and Community Improvement program to improve neighborhoods and 84% goes to the general fund. Many of our residents are employed or have created their own businesses in hospitality and tourism, and their success is our success. I look forward to working with residents, city staff, businesses, and Councilmembers to help Monterey prosper in sustainable ways. Thank you, MBAC-Candidates.!
- With George Riley, vice chair of the elected board of the Monterey Water Management District, at the League of Women Voters annual meeting in May, '24. George endorses Jean!Clyde RobersonAlan Haffa Ed Smith Libby Downey Nancy Selfridge George Riley Pat Venza Arlene L. Maki Haffa Maureen Bianchini Susan Nine and Mark Farina Jeannie Ferrara Ray and Jonina Meyers Jeana and John Jett Frank Priscaro and Annie Berlin Hans and Elizabeth Jannasch Linda J. Lee and Peter Lesnik Julie Conrad and Tony Tollner Steve & Nan Buck Bruce Zanetta and Therese Beauclair Michele Altman Molly Erickson Lori Mazzuca Chris O’Connor Marta Kraftzeck and Steve Pondick Tom and Kimberly Arbuckle Tom and Shirley Kiatta Jean Worthington Daniel and Kristin Dotterrer Annemarie and Hans Bleiker Ellen and Craig Collord Charles & Lynne Denley Jayme Fields Richard Ruccello Nancy Runyon Vince Silva Diane & Bill Belanger PLEASE DONATE! SEE THE DONATE BUTTON ABOVE OR SEND A CHECK MADE OUT TO: COMMITTEE TO ELECT JEAN RASCH, 58 VIA CASTANADA, MONTEREY, CA 93940. PLEASE VOTE BY NOVEMBER 5, 2024DONATE NOW! TO SUPPORT JEAN'S CAMPAIGN, CALL HER AT 831-625-3200. PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE AND SHE OR A VOLUNTEER WILL CALL YOU BACK. THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO HELP! YES, WE CAN!EVEN MORE ENDORSEMENTS Joe Fogel and Caroline Elliott Melodie Chrislock Curt Tipton Tammy Jennings LeeWhitney Liz and Charley Chell Leslie Finnegan Charles Martin Patricia McDermott Kathi Speller Dave and LaurieVoorhies JoAnna DaumChris O’Connor Henry MollettArthur Simons Bill ClancyTom ReevesNickie Bach Dianne Driessen Rebecca PerryVicki WilliamsWayne Hirsh Susan Ricketson Darryl and Jane Sink Lydia Kucharew and Peter Charles Peter and Betty Nebb Jeanne Colletto Janet Dudley and Peter Griffin Lynn Lozier and Tommy Goode Celia and Tim Keefer Brook KnowlesRobin DomiterAnn Prego and Andrew Gonzalez Beverly Bean Suzanne GrimesWith Alan Haffa, our beloved current Council member from what is now District 3. Alan endorses Jean! Alan, thank you for your years of excellent service to the City of Monterey. You are irreplaceable. Support my vision for the City of Monterey. Join me in my commitment to positive change and community empowerment. Most pictures by Jean Rasch and Bill Clancy. Thank you! I cannot get elected without your support!

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